Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleep Solution #593

I have a secret.

My son doesn't sleep through the night most nights.

There, I said it!!!

For a long time, I seriously thought it was just my parenting. When I mentioned it at his appointments, the doctors would just tell me I had to be better about a routine. I became a fanatic. It didn't work. I searched the web, and tried adding new things and taking things out of our routine. It didn't work. I became obsessed with watching everything that went into his mouth. It didn't matter... he still rarely slept through the night. I thought I was alone in this, and quietly nursed my shame at my inability to get my child to sleep like a normal person. Then I stumbled upon a discussion thread and found hundreds of parents like me, dealing with children who just wouldn't sleep. I found lots of ideas, some of which have helped improve our situation. However, there is one more we are trying for the first time tonight.

For anyone else dealing with this seemingly shameful issue, let me share what HAS made a difference after 2 years of battling this problem.

Nightlights- he picked them out, and they help him feel safe when he wakes up at night
Keeping the door open- we keep the door open until he falls asleep. He knows we're right there if he needs something.
Daylight Rule- We have established that if it is light outside, he may come snuggle with me. This way he knows that he is allowed that time, but Mommy doesn't have to fight little feet in her back all night.

There were lots of other suggestions we've tried as well. He has a "bedtime chart" that has pictures of what he needs to do that are turned over as he accomplishes them, and he REALLY likes it. However, the bedtime process has never been an issue. He just has a hard time falling to sleep (lots of tossing and turning... sometimes for 2 hours). Then he doesn't stay asleep. He usually wakes up after about 3 hours or so, and then has the problem of falling back to sleep again. I've finally accepted that this is just how he is, and that it's not my fault! While it's great to feel that relief, we still have to deal with his problem. I seriously wouldn't care if he just stayed in his room and played quietly, but he's also a little afraid of the dark. The nightlights keep him from screaming to wake us, but he does get up and wander around, sometimes deciding that watching cartoons would be a good idea.

Anyway, I read a post from a mother who tried a weighted blanket because her son was so "fidgety" at night. What she was describing sounded exactly like Wyatt! He is definitely a sensory seeking child, and so a little constant deep tissue pressure may help him. I felt a little dumb for not thinking of it sooner, as this type of therapy is something I've used in classrooms, but it's usually restricted to children diagnosed with disorders. Wyatt doesn't have a sensory disorder, but he does have behaviors that are indicative of sensory seeking. So, why wouldn't this work?!

I did some research about how weighted blankets are made, and found some suggestions for making your own. The retail price for a child's blanket is over $100. That's not happening. So, I made my own! Tonight will be the first night with it, so I'm crossing my fingers it will help. I don't expect it to be a miracle blanket, but anything that will improve his sleeping is appreciated! When I've got another minute, I'll post more details about how I made it, etc. I was just so excited about the possibility with this, that I just had to share!


Nikki said...

How did you make it?!! Inquiring minds want to know.

My first didn't sleep through the night FOREVER. I truly thought I was bad at the parenting thing. But I think a lot of people just don't talk openly about it. My fourth doesn't. Neither does my fifth and sixth sleep longer than any of the others did at their age- but still not through the nigh-- but that can be expected at five months old.

Kelli said...

Hi! I just stumled across your blog! I was glad to see how every one is! Wyatt is adorable! I usually wake up with footprints in my back from Matthew. I sleep so heavy, though that I never know he's there until morning and my back is tender! Maybe I need a weighted blanket for him. My grandma actually sewed a straight jacket of sorts to the sheets to keep my uncle in bed when he was young! How crazy is that?!

I'm glad I saw your blog. Have a great weekend.

dcalvin said...

Reena, I think you may be on to something here! I will anxiously await the prognosis after your trial run with the weighted blankie. Know you are loved and that you are a marvelous Mama!!! love to all of you, Aunt Nana