Secret Admirer
So, most unexpectedly I have begun receiving anonomous gifts on a fairly regular basis. The first gift was left on the porch, and I was certain it was a mistake, that it wasn't really meant for me. With the second gift, however, there was no misunderstanding. It had been positioned so that I would find it when I got in the truck the next morning. On the off chance that this had been some scheme of my hubby's, I questioned William. He just stared at me with that look that means he truly has no idea what I'm talking about (by the way, that look simultaneously says "honey, have you gone off your meds again?"). So, that leaves me with two other possiblities. While I'm flattered by the thought that went into these gifts (what woman doesn't enjoy a random gift every now and then?), I find them slightly inappropriate. I'm just not sure how to react to this. I'm still not sure which of the two individuals might be guilty (and I'm sure neither will admit it), but I intend to speak with them both. It needs to be made clear that it is inappropriate to be leaving such gifts for me, at my own home! I just hope that feelings won't be hurt too badly. Obviously, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to keep the gifts, either, so I will have to return these:Gift #1

Gift #2
LOL!! So disgusting! I love how sarcastic your blog is. I'm now officially blog-stalking you :0)
Hey! I'm blog-stalking you too. I can't believe you accused Will of leaving thoes gifts :-) Ha Ha. No you should not return them. If you get enough carcasses you can make something to wear....did I just gross you out :-)
O my goodness Reena Fae you are totally shameful!! BUT... you did make me laugh out loud in the office while everyone else was quiet and working so they all looked at me with the "you are so annoying look" Thanks for the smiles. Love you tons. had me going!!!! Too funny!
LOL! I was getting really worried about what kind of pervert was stalking you.
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